A leading Nordic provider – expanding into Europe Securing Energy for Your Business

Discover our services
Energy Sourcing Securing energy – at the right price
Eneas is the leading Nordic provider of electricity procurement services – securing lower and more predictable energy cost over time.
Energy Audit Ensuring minimum energy tax cost
Eneas is the leading experts in energy taxes – revising energy bills against current regulations and securing refund if the customer has paid too much.
Part of VENI Energy Group
Eneas is part of VENI Energy Group, a leading provider of energy services in the Nordic region, Germany and Spain. We source energy for over 40,000 customers and, through our Metering business, allocate and bill energy consumption for more than 10,000 tenants.
Visit venienergy.com/sustainabiltyDiscover more Other Services in VENI Energy Group
Metering Energy in commercial buildings made easy
VENI Metering is a leading provider of services for metering, allocation, and billing of energy consumption in commercial buildings. Our solution provides full overview, fair cost allocation, and quality-assured energy data for reporting.